Monday, October 24, 2011

ConAgra Foods GF info

Below is a current statement regarding ConAgra Foods labeling policy, as discussed on a recent thread. Please note the bolded (by me).

March 19, 2010

Dear Mrs.___________,

Thank you for your questions. I would like to share some information that will be helpful for you in determining whether any of our ConAgra Foods products contains gluten.

Since Wheat is one of our top allergens, if it is used in the product, it would be listed in the Contains statement following the ingredients list. The flour used in many of our products is wheat flour and you should avoid these products if you have gluten sensitivities.

If any ingredient in the product includes rye, barley or oats, it will be listed in parentheses immediately following the ingredient. This also holds true for Natural Flavors, Artificial Flavors or Spices - wheat, oat, barley or rye would be called out following these items in the ingredient list.

Some fermented or distilled products such as vinegar may be derived from wheat. We suggest that you speak to your physician to determine if you need to avoid distilled products derived from wheat, rye, barley, or oats, as there are differing opinions between experts. You should avoid malted vinegar if you have gluten sensitivities.

We always advise consumers who may have sensitivities to recheck the ingredient list on the package each time you purchase it. Products are often reformulated and the ingredients may change.

ConAgra Foods currently does not make "gluten-free" claims on any of our products, because federal regulations defining "gluten-free" have not been established. We believe that clearly labeling the presence of allergens in the Contains statement and the ingredient list provides you with the most accurate information on whether a product contains gluten.

Thank you for taking the time to contact us.


Consumer Affairs
Ref: 052828584A

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