Monday, October 24, 2011

Manufacturers' Statements GF

Many manufacturers now have a labeling policy that they will always label gluten (as wheat, barley, rye, oats) on their ingredient labels. This gives the consumer the ability to determine if a product is gluten-free by simply reading the ingredient label.

The following are statements from companies that do have accurate gluten-labeling policies. Many of these companies are HUGE, having many, many brands.

Note: The following information does not address the cross-contamination issues of dedicated facilities or lines.
Ben & Jerry's 4/11 Their policy is stated on their website at
Breyers Ice Cream 4/11

If you type in "Gluten -free?" in the Breyers "Ask" window under "Contact Us" it states: We recommend consumers read the label each time before buying our product. If gluten is present, it is clearly listed in plain language on the ingredient label (i.e., wheat flour, rye, barley, oats, and malt). Malt is a barley based ingredient.

Since product formulations change from time to time, we do not publish a list of gluten-free flavors.

(Act II, Alexia, Hebrew National, Egg Beaters, Crunch 'N Munch, Healthy Choice, Hunt's, Jiffy Pop, La Choy, Libby's, Marie Callender's, Orville Redenbacher's, Pam, Parkay, Peter Pan, Poppycock, Redi-Whip, Ro*Tel, Rosarita, Slim Jim, Swiss Miss, & more)

For a complete list of their brands, click here.

"Unfortunately, we are not able to guarantee that our products ingredients are gluten-free, since the source of an ingredient may change from time to time. We understand how difficult it can be finding foods that meet the requirements of a restricted diet, and we continue to look for ways to meet the dietary needs of our consumers.

Please be aware that although ConAgra Foods cannot certify products to be gluten-free, we can assist you by affirming that a product has been formulated without commonly known gluten containing ingredients. The flour used in our products is often wheat flour and should be avoided by individuals with gluten sensitivities. Some fermented or distilled products, such as vinegar, may be derived from wheat. We suggest you speak with your physician to determine if you need to avoid distilled products derived from wheat, rye, barley, or oats. We always advise consumers who may have sensitivities to recheck the ingredient list on each package. Products are oftentimes reformulated and the ingredients may change. If Natural Flavors, Artificial Flavors, or Spices listed in the ingredients list contain wheat, oat, barley, or rye, these ingredients would be listed in parenthesis immediately following the ingredient." Heather, Consumer Affairs

General Mills
Old El Paso
Green Giant
Betty Crocker
Muir Glen
Cascadian Farms
Yoplait, Columbo, Nature Valley, Kellogg, & more)

To see all of their brands click here.

"General Mills offers several products that are labeled gluten-free. Please check the package label for the gluten-free statement on the front/side/back of the package. Only products that can be verified to be gluten free will be declared as gluten free on the label. It is important to check the product label each time you purchase a product because it has the most accurate information about the product in the package.

Because we constantly strive to improve our products′ quality and nutritional value, the most up-to-date product information is on the package the product is purchased in. For that reason, we do not distribute product information lists as they could quickly become outdated. A current list of products on the market that are gluten free can be found by visiting It is important to check the package label before purchasing for the gluten-free statement on the front/side/back of the package to verify that the package you choose is gluten free.

For products not labeled gluten free, we will always declare gluten containing ingredients if they are added to the product. If the ingredient declaration lists wheat, oats, barley, rye, or derivatives of these grains, then the product contains gluten. Examples of derivative ingredients include: malt, barley malt, organic malt, semolina, Durham, triticale, and spelt. We do not include gluten containing ingredients in the ′Natural Flavors′ or ′Spices′ on the product ingredient list. If there are gluten ingredients in our products, those ingredients are always clearly listed.

If there are no gluten- containing ingredients listed in the product ingredient label, but the product does not make a gluten free claim, it is because we cannot fully assure that this product is gluten free. While we have not added gluten-containing ingredients, factors such as sourcing, conditions of manufacture, etc. do not allow us to provide the full level of assurance that a gluten free claim requires."

Jeremy Gold, Consumer Services General Mills

(Includes Classico Pasta Sauces, Delimex, Boston Market) 4/11 They state on their website: " For people who follow a gluten-free diet, Heinz is making it easier to make the right choices. We clearly label all ingredients in our products, and plans are underway to designate all our Gluten-Free products as such, for your information and for your peace of mind ..."
Hidden Valley Ranch 4/11

On their website in the FAQ section under "Do Hidden Valley Dressings contain gluten?" they state: " We know some consumers have highly sensitive digestive and immune systems and must avoid food containing certain proteins and protein derivatives, including foods like wheat, spelt, kamut, rye, barley, and oats. When these ingredients are intentionally and directly added by The HV Food Products Company to our food products they are declared int he ingredient statement in complieance wiht applicable local, state, and federal regulations and guidlines." They further go on to state they can't guarantee the GF status of any food.
Knorr 4/11 On their website they state: "Most Knorr products are made with gluten-dontaining ingredients, and cannot be considered gluten free. Ingredients that may contain gluten are always listed on the label. . . " For their complete statement, go to "Questions?" on their website at

(Includes A-1, Breakstone, Cadbury, Capri Sun, Cheez Whiz, Digiorno, Kool-Aid, Jell-O, Knudsen, Kraft, Miracle Whip, Oscar Mayer, Philadelphia, Planters, Polly-O, Tang, Toberone, Velveeta & more)

To see all their brands, click here.

On their website they state: "If a Kraft product contains gluten, a source of gluten will be listed in the ingredient statement, no matter how small the amount. For labeling purposes, we include wheat, barley, rye and oats as sources of gluten." Their complete statement may be found on a page titled "Choosing Gluten-Free Foods".

Lawry's 4/11

"Lawry's uses 'Plain English' allergen labeling to communicate our product ingredients. When gluten is present as an ingredient, Lawry's will always declare it as "wheat" or "barley" in the ingredient statement. This labeling policy adheres to the FDA regulations that were implemented in 2006.

In addition, we follow good manufacturing practices at our plants. Our employees are trained in the importance of correct labeling and the necessity of performing thorough equipment wash-downs to eliminate cross-contact of ingredients.

Although we cannot guarantee our products to be 100% free of allergens not listed on the label, we want you to know that we take this situation seriously and have taken extra precautions to eliminate the possibility of mislabeling or cross-contact.

If we can be of further assistance, please call us at 1-800-952-9797, Monday through Friday, 9:30AM to 5PM Eastern Time. "

Helen Beck, Consumer Affairs Specialist

Sara Lee
(Includes Ball Park, Hillshire Farm, Jimmy Dean & more)

To see all of their brands, click here.

"Here at Sara Lee, we have a 'truth in labeling policy'. Anytime there is a gluten-containing ingredient in one of our products, the ingredient will be listed on the ingredient label. As we do not print a gluten-free list, we recommend checking the label every time for any ingredients your physician has told you to stay away from. We never hide gluten-containing ingredients in general listings such as flavorings or spices.

Should you have any comments or questions in the future, please contact us via our website at or by calling our toll-free number, 1-800-925-3326. Our representatives are available Monday-Friday between the hours of 7am and 6pm CST."
Amanda, Sara Lee Consumer Affairs Representative,

Seneca Foods

(Libby's, Senenca, Aunt Nelllies, Festal, Stokely's, Diamond A, Blue Boy)

They state in the FAQ section of their website: "All allergenic ingredients in the major categories, regardless of the amount or function in the food, are listed in the ingredient statement on the label. The major allergen categories are: peanuts, tree nuts, dairy eggs, fish, crustaceans/shellfish/molluscs, soy, and wheat/gluten. We also recognize sulfites and Yellow #5 as possible sensitizing agents which are always declared on the ingredient listing."


Bertolli, Country Crock, Hellmans, Knorr, Lipton, Slim-fast, Wishbone, & more
5/11 "Since product formulations change from time to time, we do not have a printed list of products that identifies those products that contain specific allergens or gluten. The best advice we can give you is to check the ingredient list on the label. Ingredients that may contain any of the top eight allergens as defined by FDA: peanuts, tree nuts, soy, fish, seafood, wheat, eggs, and milk or dairy, as well as any ingredient that may contain gluten are always listed on the label. If you cannot determine whether the product contains the ingredient in question, we suggest you do not use it." Your friends at Unilever Bertolli, Country Crock

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